Muncie Friends Church

Friends = Quakers

The primary doctrine and spiritual experience of Friends is that the living Christ is present to teach us Himself.  No priestly intermediary is necessary for Divine access, for “there is One, Christ Jesus, who can speak to thy condition.” (George Fox, 17th Century)

Our Beliefs

  • There is a living, dynamic, spiritual presence at work in the world which is both within us and outside of us.
  • There is that of God in everyone.
  • Each person is capable of the direct and unmediated experience of God.
  • Our understanding and experience of God is nurtured and enlarged in community.
  • The Bible is an important spiritual resource, and the life and teachings of Jesus are relevant for us today.
  • The revelation of God’s truth is continuing and ongoing.
  • We welcome truth from whatever source it may come.
  • Our inward experience of God transforms us and leads us into outward expressions of faithful living, witness, and action.
  • Modeling God’s presence in our lives is more important than espousing beliefs.
  • (2018 Quaker Speak, 9 Core Beliefs by Arthur Larrabee)

Affirmation of All

In keeping with the Quaker testimony of equality, we welcome and affirm all who are seeking a church home and all who are interested in participating in our activities. We welcome and affirm all people without regard to race, color, ethnicity, gender, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, debility, national origin, political orientation, educational level, economic status, religion or creed.


Quakers believe that our testimony is how we live our lives. We must go beyond words and let our actions be our message of God’s love in the world. Our living testimonies can be easily remembered as “SPICES.”

  • S -Simplicity
  • P -Peace
  • I -Integrity
  • C -Community
  • E -Equality
  • S -Stewardship

What we do

Our Meeting Activities

Our understanding and experience of God is nurtured and enlarged in community.

Meeting Times

Adult Sunday School: 9:30 am

Sunday Worship: 11:00 am

Wednesday Bible Study: 6:00 pm

Our Sunday Semi-Programmed worship includes traditional hymns, a Bible reading or devotion followed by a period of silent worship during which time anyone may speak if led by the Spirit.

Food Pantry

Distribution is the third Saturday of every month. All Delaware County residents are welcome.

Coffee Shop

The Friends Coffee Shoppe is open every Monday and Thursday, 10:00am – 1:00pm.


Have Questions?

Frequently Asked

Are Quakers a Christian denomination?

Yes, they are. However, Quakers welcome believers of other faiths who share their principles.

Do Quakers believe in sacraments?

Quakers believe there is “that of God” in every person we meet. They do not utilize other objects or ceremonies as part of their service.

Do I have to be baptized as a Quaker?

Quakers believe baptism is a spiritual act through the Holy Spirit.

How do Quakers shape their lives?

We listen to the Inner Light of Christ, weighing our spiritual and historic traditions, scriptural authority, and personal experience.