Friends United Meeting

FUM is a world-wide collection of Christ-centered Quakers.  Thirty-seven Yearly Meetings and Associations are joined together through a shared experience of God and united in common ministries.  Their offices are located in Richmond, Indiana.  You can subscribe to their weekly newsletter at

News Association of Friends and their FB page

The New Association of Friends is a voluntary association of monthly meetings, churches and individuals that support worship, ministry and service through the cultivation of Christian faith in the Quaker tradition. Congregations can currently be found in Indiana, Iowa, Michigan and Ohio.  They can be found at

American Friends Service Committee

Since 1917, AFSC has been on the forefront of some the most important social movements in working for a more just, peaceful world.  They were the first organization, along with the British Friends Service Council, to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947.  For more information, or to subscribe to their newsletter, go to

Friends Committee on National Legislation

FCNL is a national, nonpartisan Quaker organization that lobbies Congress for peace, justice, and environmental stewardship. To learn more about the activities of FCNL, go to

Friends World Committee for Consultation

FWCC is a Quaker organization that works to communicate between all parts of Quakerism. FWCC’s world headquarters is in London. Their website is