Prayers for Helping

The light of God surrounds us.
The love of God enfolds us.
The power of God protects us.
The presence of God watches over us.
Wherever we are, God is, and all is well

by James Dillet Freeman

Give ear, Lord our God, to my prayer, heed my plea for mercy. In my time of trouble I call to You, for You will answer me.

When pain and fatigue are my companions, let there be room in my heart for strength. When days and nights are filled with darkness, let the light of courage find its place. Help me to endure the suffering and dissolve the fear. Renew within me the calm spirit of peace.

Blessed are You, Lord our God, Healer of the Sick.

The invitation is, without penalty, in the fullness of God’s grace, to delve deeply into the reality of who we are in any specific moment and allow God’s Holy Spirit to begin the work of healing the broken places found in the journey down into our depths. This is done moment by moment, or day by day, as aften as we can stand it, until the day we die, becoming more fully alive and more fully that which God had created us to be in the process.

by Michael Sherman

Art thou in the Darkness? Mind it not, for if thou dost it will fill thee more, but stand still and act not, and wait in patience till Light arises out of Darkness to lead thee.

Art thou wounded in conscience? Feed not there, but abide in the Light which leads to Grace and Truth, which teaches to deny, and puts off the weight, and removes the cause, and brings saving health to Light.

James Nayler